<< Upload and Explore Spatial Transcriptomics Data

October 20, 2021

SCP now supports spatial transcriptomics data! These data help researchers understand how patterns in genetic expression or cell types are distributed in the tissue. For example, are cells with similar genetic expression profiles clustered close together in the tissue, or dispersed throughout? You can explore these spatial distributions alongside other plots, like gene expression clustering plots -- check out an example study here

If you have spatial transcriptomics data to share through SCP, you can upload the spatial coordinates of your samples through our upload wizard. 





This look into spatial data is part of a series of announcements where we’ll shine a light on previously-hidden features of SCP. These will include:

  • Granting study access to anonymous reviewers
  • Study “collections”
  • An ideogram viewer to discover related genes
  • Selecting customized subsets of data from a plot
  • Our new requirement to include raw counts matrices when you upload data
  • Adding images to your study's description

We’ll also highlight new features as they come out, such as: 

  • A revamped data-upload process
  • Searching across datasets, beyond those in SCP
  • Visualizing gene-gene correlations

Be sure to get in touch if you have any questions as you’re reading about these features -- you can email us at scp-support@broadinstitute.zendesk.com  or check out our documentation here!